We have compiled some answers to your most common questions below.

This feature does not work, I can see weird errors, What's wrong?
It may be a bug.Please contact us ASAP so we may take a look at it.

The site is so slooow. What's wrong?
The website was designed to be fast and responsive.
If you are experiencing slow browsing, it might be your internet connection that's causing it.
Please consider an upgrade.

Where do you get the photos and images for the site?
Photos that appear on the entries/posts are taken from public domain sources.
Some images used in the website are also taken from public domain sources and some are
created from scratch.
Banners and advertisements are submitted by their respective advertisers.
If you don't want a photo or group of photos to appear on the site, please contact us so we can remove it.

What browsers are supported?
This website was tested to work with the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, and Safari browsers.
It was not tested to work on any version of Internet Explorer or Opera browsers.
The site uses CSS3, especially on image rotations, box shadows, and text effects so Internet Explorer and Opera users may not be able to see these elements.

Well, I still want to use Internet Explorer.. especially below IE9
The site it still viewable on IE browsers but you are not having a maximum browsing experience.
A warning may appear on top of your browser.
(but seriously, please upgrade to a new version or change your browser)

I love this site! I want to contribute.
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This website sucks! I don't like it.
We value your feedback.
Please contact us and share your thoughts. It will help improve the site and make everybody happy.

For other questions, please contact us.

star  Got a travel blog or website?

Ask us how to put your link on the site. Visit our Travel Guides page.

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Contributions will be for future site improvements, new features, and website maintenance.

Save the corrals

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